by Nancy | Jun 8, 2022
Whether you’re 25 or 65, I’m sure you’re good at something (or at least you think you are). It makes no difference if you’re a skilled poker player or an exquisite cake decorator, sharing some of the things you’ve learned can have all kinds of benefits.I...
by Nancy | Jun 1, 2022
I recently had a conversation with a friend from junior high. I don’t exactly remember what led up to this, although I hope it was profound. I think we were reflecting on things we might have told our younger selves. And he shared his personal mantra of looking...
by Nancy | May 25, 2022
Naive people can get sucked into scams that cost thousands of dollars. Savvy people can also fall victim to a promise that, on its surface, seems legit. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget that IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS. Take me, for example. ...
by Nancy | May 18, 2022
I know people who struggle over making what seems to me to be the tiniest of decisions – what to order for dinner, what to wear to a party, what to buy mom for Mother’s Day. I am on the other side here – I make decisions quickly, and sometimes to my...
by Nancy | May 11, 2022
I’ve been a fan of the show “Survivor” since day one. You are probably familiar with the premise, and likely know that it can be a coup for the contestants if they successfully execute a plot to blindside one of their own at tribal council. And...
by Nancy | May 4, 2022
I recently heard a story about someone being an extraordinary friend, and it made me proud to know her. It also made me want to write about it. I consider myself extremely fortunate for the extraordinary friendships in my life. No matter what labels you use, whether...
by Nancy | Apr 27, 2022
Have you ever lost your wallet? Do you remember that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach at the moment you realized it was gone? You retraced your steps and then contacted the store manager, who told you that it had just been turned in to the lost and found. ...
by Nancy | Apr 20, 2022
What’s the difference between an explanation and a rationalization? Let’s start with the definitions for each: Explanation: a statement made to clarify something and make it understandable. Rationalization: the act or process of ascribing...
by Nancy | Apr 13, 2022
I wasn’t surprised to learn that adult children are moving back home as a consequence of the pandemic. Of course, multi-generational homes aren’t exactly new news. When my mom and dad first got married, they lived with my grandmother. When the recession...
by Nancy | Apr 6, 2022
We all know that person. The neighbor who thinks she’s Judge Judy or the brother-in-law who pretends to be Dr. Phil. They come up with an immediate suggestion for how the problem should be solved, and it typically starts with the words “you need to . ....
by Nancy | Mar 30, 2022
It’s income tax time which means, at least for some of us, that we’re due a refund. For others (like me), a payment is required. But what if you don’t have the money? It’s not exactly smart to stiff the Internal Revenue Service. Instead, you...
by Nancy | Mar 23, 2022
Your kitchen sink is backed up, so you call a plumber. Your front porch light seems to flicker on and off, so you call an electrician. Yet when you’re overwhelmed by the day-to-day business of running your life, you cannot seem to make yourself ask a favor of a...