How Much Does Peace Cost? (Three Minute Read)

How Much Does Peace Cost? (Three Minute Read)

t should come as no surprise to you that peace has a price tag.  Due to the recent passing of President Jimmy Carter, I was reminded of the Camp David Accords, and the deal negotiated by President Carter resulting in one of the most famous peace treaties in history...
Thinking About an Exit Strategy? (Three Minute Read)

Thinking About an Exit Strategy? (Three Minute Read)

No matter whether you’re about to quit your job or end your relationship, strategically planning the exit means setting emotions aside while you make a practical “to do” list. This is neither the time nor the place to improvise. Instead, and before your internal GPS...
Do You Know Your Triggers?  (Three Minute Read)

Do You Know Your Triggers? (Three Minute Read)

Can you cry on demand?  I can.  All I need to do is conjure up a memory about my late husband or my deceased parents, and the tears start to roll. Those memories are emotional triggers for me. During a recent divorce mediation I used the word “appreciation” and, as it...
Brad and Angelina’s Divorce (Three Minute Read)

Brad and Angelina’s Divorce (Three Minute Read)

I’m a little bit embarrassed to admit that I’ve been devouring all of the gossip concerning the finalization of Brad and Angelina’s divorce. My rationale is that I’m a divorce mediator, so I need to look at it for professional purposes.So much...
Life is Good (Three Minute Read)

Life is Good (Three Minute Read)

I just finished rereading my “Life is Good” blog that I posted to end 2019. A lot of the items on my list still ring true for me. There also were a lot of significant changes. Little did we know that as 2020 approached, the entire world would turn upside...
Is it a Coincidence? (Three Minute Read)

Is it a Coincidence? (Three Minute Read)

When I was a teenager, I was strolling around Topanga Plaza, a large shopping mall near my house.  I happened to be walking by a phone booth (remember those?) when I heard the phone ring.  So, I answered it and began a conversation with another teenager who said she...
Compromise is an Art (Three Minute Read)

Compromise is an Art (Three Minute Read)

Some experts consider compromise to be a balancing act.  I consider it an art.   Imagine you’ve been commissioned to paint a watercolor for friends of friends.  (I’ll call them “Harry” and “Sally”).  You’re standing in your...
Sometimes You Have to Change the Dream (Three Minute Read)

Sometimes You Have to Change the Dream (Three Minute Read)

As you can probably imagine, divorce mediation can be an emotional experience. It’s like a gut-punch to me when I hear my clients talk about their dreams being destroyed. Obviously, when we get married, it’s not with the expectation of eventually getting...
Fix It Before It’s Too Late!  (Three Minute Read)

Fix It Before It’s Too Late! (Three Minute Read)

A friend of the family passed away a few months ago. The funeral was across the country, so I didn’t attend.  However, I learned afterwards about a dramatic scene that literally took place at the gravesite. Evidently, there had been bad blood between...
Abundance (Three Minute Read)

Abundance (Three Minute Read)

It seems like everywhere I go, I hear about gratitude. Olympic athletes, award winners, politicians, and service providers are all grateful. And so am I. However, when a word becomes obsequious, I think it loses its power. Instead, on this day before Thanksgiving...
Putting Away the Rear-View Mirror (Three Minute Read)

Putting Away the Rear-View Mirror (Three Minute Read)

As a divorce and family mediator, I frequently observe that many of my clients seem to focus on blame.  It’s natural.  And I also see a lot of people who simply want to get on with their lives.  It’s understandable. The challenge for me is to help both...