Stealing Time (Three Minute Read)

Stealing Time (Three Minute Read)

Time matters a lot to me. For instance, I’m obsessively punctual and I have little patience for people who are continually “running a little late.” Any professional who gets paid by the hour knows that time is money. So does any service provider who schedules...
Divorce with Adult Kids (Three Minute Read)

Divorce with Adult Kids (Three Minute Read)

How come nobody talks about this?  It’s widely known that divorce impacts children, but what if the children are grown and out of the house?   I recently conducted a divorce mediation with “Elizabeth” and “Richard.”  They were ending...
Giving a Pat on the Back (Three Minute Read)

Giving a Pat on the Back (Three Minute Read)

When’s the last time you told your [fill in the blank] that they matter to you? I’m not talking about saying “thank you.”  That’s too easy and too habitual.  Nor am I talking about overall general gratitude which, although most definitely a good thing, has become...
Blending Families (Three Minute Read)

Blending Families (Three Minute Read)

Statistics show that one in three Americans is either a stepchild, a stepsibling, or a stepparent. That’s a lot of blended families! Those of a certain age can certainly remember The Brady Bunch, but let’s not forget that it was a fictional family. There are celebrity...


If you’ve watched one minute of television over the past month, I know you’ve been inundated with political commercials. This candidate is a liar, this candidate is shady, this candidate wants to end social security or increase social security, this candidate wants to...
Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion (Three Minute Read)

Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion (Three Minute Read)

Raise your hand if you understand the difference between sympathy, empathy, and compassion. Congratulations! It’s not the easiest distinction to make, and it will likely come in handy the next time someone close to you is in pain. Here’s a brief...
The Greater Good (Three Minute Read)

The Greater Good (Three Minute Read)

Gratitude is ubiquitous.  Everyone is talking about it, writing in journals devoted to it, and practicing it. There are literally thousands and thousands of memes created to display the word and what’s behind it, posters and needlepoint pillows illustrating it,...
Three Key Words That Start With “H” (Three Minute Read)

Three Key Words That Start With “H” (Three Minute Read)

A few months ago, I was helping to train future volunteer facilitators at my favorite non-profit, Adam’s Place (, and one of the participants shared something truly wonderful with the rest of us.  I’m writing about this now in the...
Do You Need Help? (Three Minute Read)

Do You Need Help? (Three Minute Read)

If this article seems familiar to you, you’re right.  I’m tweaking and republishing something I wrote a couple of years ago, mainly because this topic comes up frequently in my personal life as well as in my mediation practice.  Let’s say your...
Is There Always Another Shoe?  (Three Minute Read)

Is There Always Another Shoe? (Three Minute Read)

My mom was extremely superstitious. I remember her knocking on wood, throwing salt over her shoulder, or telling me to bite my tongue. By contrast, I don’t think I’m terribly superstitious, except that I never talk about how good my car has been running,...
Surpassing the Impasse (Three Minute Read)

Surpassing the Impasse (Three Minute Read)

We’ve all been stuck in a conflict that ends with an impasse. Co-workers who refuse additional responsibility, teenagers who won’t respect a curfew, spouses who “forget” to mention use of the debit card, are just a few typical examples. There are global examples of...