Surprise! You Have Siblings! (Three Minute Read)

Surprise! You Have Siblings! (Three Minute Read)

My grandparents were all Eastern European immigrants, and three out of the four of them died before I was born. Neither my sister nor my brother remembers hearing any stories about life before moving to the United States. And to be perfectly candid, I’m not...
Next Time (Three Minute Read)

Next Time (Three Minute Read)

This is the fourth and final part of a series.  It started with Thinking Time, then Decision Time, followed by Coping Time.  We’re concluding with Next Time, and the star of this article is YOUR INNER VOICE.  It belongs to the person who’s done the...
Coping Time + A Quick Quiz (Three Minute Read)

Coping Time + A Quick Quiz (Three Minute Read)

You’ve taken time to think, and finally you’ve made your decision. Now you have to live with it. That’s right.  It’s coping time.  Before we get started, please take a moment to answer “yes” or “no” to the following...
Decision Time (Three Minute Read)

Decision Time (Three Minute Read)

Now that you’ve taken time to think, the next step is to make a decision.  We make decisions multiple times every single day.  What to eat, what to wear, who to call, wat time to leave, where to go, what to read, what to watch on t.v., what time to go to bed,...
Thinking Time (Three Minute Read)

Thinking Time (Three Minute Read)

I am a decisive person. I can make up my mind in an instant, and if it turns out that my choice was hasty or wrong, oh well. That’s why I’ve never played chess.  I mean, who has the patience to ponder strategy three or four moves ahead?  And then somewhere...
Passive-Aggressive Communication (Three Minute Read)

Passive-Aggressive Communication (Three Minute Read)

I recently helped a divorced couple to sharpen their co-parenting skills. Because I’m not a therapist, I focused my attention toward arriving at a better way for each to listen to the other with a goal of reaching an understanding. Ever the optimist, I’m...
Are You Really Ready to Divorce?  (Three Minute Read)

Are You Really Ready to Divorce? (Three Minute Read)

Way back when I was still married to my first husband, it took me four years to gather the courage to file for divorce. I knew for sure that I wasn’t going to stay married to him forever, yet I procrastinated, postponing the conversation with myself to answer...
Revisiting the Butt — Typo Intended (Three Minute Read)

Revisiting the Butt — Typo Intended (Three Minute Read)

(This blog was originally posted on my website in February of 2019. I enjoyed writing it, and I think the message is worth repeating.) Aha! Admit it, that title caught your attention. I probably should apologize in advance if you thought I was talking about anatomy....
Feel Like Running Away? (Three Minute Read)

Feel Like Running Away? (Three Minute Read)

Have you ever wondered what would happen to your household if you went A.W.O.L. for a month and moved to the beach? Will your business survive if you weren’t there to run it?  Maybe you’re suffering from what I like to call “the curse of...
Let Go of that Grudge with Dignity (Three Minute Read)

Let Go of that Grudge with Dignity (Three Minute Read)

I know some world-class grudge-holders.  Do either of the following scenarios sound like someone you know? You and your mother-in-law had the fight to end all fights. Granted, it was a long time ago, but it was never resolved. There was no resolution.  There wasn’t...
Are You Feeling Stuck?  (Three Minute Read)

Are You Feeling Stuck? (Three Minute Read)

We’ve all been stuck in a conflict that ends with an impasse. Co-workers who refuse additional responsibility, teenagers who won’t respect a curfew, spouses who “forget” to mention use of the debit card, are just a few typical examples. There are global examples of...
The Price for Peace (Three Minute Read)

The Price for Peace (Three Minute Read)

It should come as no surprise to you that peace has a price tag.  Consider the negotiations between Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin (the President of Egypt and Prime Minister of Israel, respectively) who signed one of the most famous peace treaties in history on March...