by Nancy | Dec 22, 2021
My mom liked to move the furniture around. On any given day, and for no particular reason, I’d come home from school to find the living room couch on the opposite wall, or my dad’s recliner somewhere new. Those minor changes in the house made me feel disconnected and...
by Nancy | Dec 15, 2021
Over the past nine years, I have helped a surprising number of couples to end their long term marriages, some even after 45 years! This phenomenon has been labeled the “Grey Divorce” (as in older couples with grey hair), and I’m sharing some...
by Nancy | Dec 8, 2021
We all know them. The blamers. The ones who are the quickest to deny responsibility. Instead, they say things like, “the bank bounced my check,” or “I missed the deadline because my assistant’s kid was sick.”When I’m working with my divorce mediation clients, I never...
by Nancy | Dec 1, 2021
Are you a scorekeeper? Do you keep track of whether it’s your turn to buy lunch? Do you always do your best to keep a conversation balanced? Do you remember who’s had you over for dinner? Or are you the one who never reaches for the check? Are you the...
by Nancy | Nov 24, 2021
This is an encore of a blog which I first published in November of 2017, and again in November of 2018, and again in November of 2019. I skipped reposting it in 2020 because I pretty much skipped everything that year. So here it is, back again by semi-popular...
by Nancy | Nov 17, 2021
Telling your kids that you’re getting a divorce is one of the most significant and impactful conversations you’ll ever have, so it makes sense to do the best you can. Even if you haven’t been on the same page with your spouse for ages, it’s extremely important in this...
by Nancy | Nov 10, 2021
Power shifts in relationships can be perceived in many ways. Take the newlyweds who met in college. The wife was hired for a teaching job with a decent entry level salary, enough to support the couple while the husband attended law school. She worked full-time, paid...
by Nancy | Nov 3, 2021
I know at least a dozen people who need to have the last word. And I have no problem allowing them to have it because it isn’t important to me. Why isn’t it important to me? Why is it important to them? I decided to do some research and, not...
by Nancy | Oct 27, 2021
I was raised by a Jewish mother. I think that makes me an expert on guilt. Religion notwithstanding, I’m going out on a limb to state that everyone has felt guilty about something. And I think we can all agree that guilt is not fun. So, many of us stay in...
by Nancy | Oct 20, 2021
Maybe you made a New Year’s Resolution to get your affairs in order, and you’re still procrastinating. Maybe even the thought of “what if?” sends you directly to the refrigerator. Maybe you have other priorities. And maybe you’re just...
by Nancy | Oct 13, 2021
Divorced couples with children will be a family forever. Only their marital status and their living situations will change. When I remind my clients of this, I usually offer up scenarios where they’ll be together as a family: graduations, birthdays, weddings,...
by Nancy | Oct 6, 2021
Everybody experiences some stress from time to time. Everyone can also admit to feeling some anxiety. Many of us often get angry. In each and every moment of discontent, we all have the ability to deal with these negative emotions in a positive way. It starts and...