Family Meetings (Three Minute Read)

Family Meetings (Three Minute Read)

If you’re a member of a family, chances are you’ve participated in a family meeting. Whether you’re deciding about toppings on your pizza or which movie to watch, if there’s more than one decision maker, somehow a consensus arrives.  My dad...


Some divorced couples have really figured out how to co-parent in the best interests of their kids. Others? Not so much.  So, over a period of several months, I did some research, asked many questions, read books and articles, and then I developed a document patterned...
Burning Bridges (Three Minute Read)

Burning Bridges (Three Minute Read)

This is a good story related to me by a friend who used to be in management at a big box store. When she was advised by HR that she had to terminate an employee for absences, she wasn’t happy about the task at hand. The employee was a good worker, pleasant and...
Going Into Business With A Family Member?  (Three Minute Read)

Going Into Business With A Family Member? (Three Minute Read)

With the drastic changes we’ve seen over the past year in the business world, it might be the perfect time to put on your entrepreneur’s hat and try something new. And you understand that it might very well take a village (or a rich relative) to turn your...
Silver Linings One Year Later (Three Minute Read)

Silver Linings One Year Later (Three Minute Read)

It’s been a year since a worldwide pandemic was declared, and society as we knew it went into lockdown. We’ve seen a lot that we never could have imagined in a million years (toilet paper, anyone?) and watched with both terror and sadness as hundreds of...
The Importance of Civility (Three Minute Read)

The Importance of Civility (Three Minute Read)

I think I fell in love with the message conveyed by this illustration the first time I saw one of those “co-exist” bumper stickers.  Diversity, inclusion, and respect are words that have always had deep meaning to me, and the January 6th attack on our...
Coping Skills (Three Minute Read)

Coping Skills (Three Minute Read)

For the past few years, I have had the honor of volunteering at Adam’s Place, a southern Nevada non-profit group helping children to deal with loss. I work with the adults who have the love and foresight to introduce their kids to the support they can find at...
Baby Steps . . . Yay Me!  (Three Minute Read)

Baby Steps . . . Yay Me! (Three Minute Read)

One of my all-time favorite movies is “What About Bob?” If you’ve never seen it and want to laugh, do yourself a favor and find it somewhere. This wonderful comedy made me a big believer in the concept of taking baby steps and congratulating...
Is It A Good Idea To Be Friends With Your Ex?  (Three Minute Read)

Is It A Good Idea To Be Friends With Your Ex? (Three Minute Read)

My answer to this question, in a word, is maybe. So maybe I should ask you to take this short quiz:   True or false: Our differences in philosophy or religion or politics or etiquette became more and more problematic. True or false: He/she cheated on me and left me...
Our Parents Are Aging (Three Minute Read)

Our Parents Are Aging (Three Minute Read)

Have you begun to notice a gradual shift in the lives of your parents?  Maybe they’re asking for help with the simplest of things, or maybe they’ve stopped doing them completely.  Giving up independence might be the most difficult task we face as we age. ...
Mansplaining (Three Minute Read)

Mansplaining (Three Minute Read)

In case you’ve never heard of the term “mansplaining,” I’ll give you an example.  A few weeks ago, in response to a question posed by a Facebook friend (“Share something about yourself that not many people know”), I confessed that...