You’d Better Read This . . . Or Else!  (Three Minute Read)

You’d Better Read This . . . Or Else! (Three Minute Read)

The subject for this article, in case you haven’t figured it out, is the ultimatum.   I recently met with a couple and learned that the husband had been having an affair.  When the wife found out, she demanded that he immediately end the other relationship and...
Magical Thinking (Three Minute Read)

Magical Thinking (Three Minute Read)

Urban Dictionary defines magical thinking as “the belief that one exerts more influence over events than one actually has.”  Wikipedia likens it to superstitious thinking.   I was recently introduced to this concept in a casual conversation with a friend. ...
The One Who Got Away (Three Minute Read)

The One Who Got Away (Three Minute Read)

Do you remember your first real love?   I struggle with the answer to this question because sometimes I count the boys I kissed in kindergarten, and sometimes I count the boy I made out with in junior high, and sometimes I count my first real long-term committed...
10 Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020  (Three Minute Read)

10 Lessons I’ve Learned in 2020 (Three Minute Read)

I wish I could brag about learning a foreign language or how to color my own hair. That didn’t happen. I also didn’t lose weight, amp up my exercise routine, or solve a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle  Nevertheless, I experienced many good things this year.  I...
Holiday Gifts (Three Minute Read)

Holiday Gifts (Three Minute Read)

“The essence of the custom is that I now have to go out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value and representing the same perceived level of friendship as that represented by the gift you’ve given me.  It’s no wonder suicide rates skyrocket...
Wants vs. Needs (Three Minute Read)

Wants vs. Needs (Three Minute Read)

At the end of every year I can remember, I have the same conversation with myself. “Next year, I’m going to figure out the difference between what I want and what I need.” I’ll admit that sometimes it’s a tug-o-war.  I tend to rationalize...
Choosing Peace Over Perfection  (Three Minute Read)

Choosing Peace Over Perfection (Three Minute Read)

Anybody who knows me will attest to the fact that I am a stickler for proper spelling, grammar, and manners. I’ve been known to reply to random posts on Facebook to point out the difference between “your” and “you’re.”  I’ve...
Help!  (Three Minute Read)

Help! (Three Minute Read)

Most of us find it challenging to ask for help, especially now that our world has been turned upside down.  Based on personal experience, I can understand not wanting to seem weak or vulnerable, but at whose expense?  I mean when my kitchen sink becomes clogged, does...
Establishing New Holiday Traditions (Three Minute Read)

Establishing New Holiday Traditions (Three Minute Read)

Holidays this year are likely to look and feel different with spikes in COVID looming.  If the thought of not being with family for Thanksgiving sends your emotions into a tailspin, and opening presents on a Zoom call seems ridiculous, you’re probably not the...
Finding a Gift Inside the Pain (Three Minute Read)

Finding a Gift Inside the Pain (Three Minute Read)

“I discovered that joy is not the negation of pain, but rather acknowledging the presence of pain and feeling happiness in spite of it.” ~ Lupita Nyong’o For more than two years, I’ve had the privilege of volunteering for Adam’s Place,...
Living With a Narcissist (Three Minute Read)

Living With a Narcissist (Three Minute Read)

Disclaimer:  I am neither a therapist nor any other sort of mental health practitioner.  That being said, I’ve heard the term “narcissist” frequently from various divorcing clients — always about the other person.  These accusations led me to...