Receiving Appreciation From Others (Three Minute Read)

Receiving Appreciation From Others (Three Minute Read)

Last week, I wrote about expressing appreciation in the workplace. I talked about the importance of feeling valued by our colleagues and I listed some ways in which to show that appreciation. To piggy-back off my last blog, now I want to address the fine art of...
Expressing Appreciation to Colleagues (Three Minute Read)

Expressing Appreciation to Colleagues (Three Minute Read)

When’s the last time you told your [fill in the blank] that they matter to you?  I’m not talking about saying “thank you.”  That’s too easy and too habitual.  Nor am I talking about overall general gratitude which, although most...


If you’ve watched one minute of television over the past month, I know you’ve been inundated with political commercials.  This candidate is shady, this candidate wants to end social security or increase social security, this candidate wants to raise taxes...
Grandparents and Divorce (Three Minute Read)

Grandparents and Divorce (Three Minute Read)

Over the past few months, several of my friends have become grandparents. I’ve witnessed first-hand the joy and unconditional love showered upon these babies, and I’m thrilled. Over the past few years, I’ve also witnessed first-hand the anxiety of...
What Would YOU Do?  (Three Minute Read)

What Would YOU Do? (Three Minute Read)

Yes, I borrowed the title from a television show that sets people up with actors portraying situations of various conundrums.  Some of the people do nothing and others actually confront the actors to weigh in on what they’re overhearing.  And it has me wondering...
How is Your Voice Being Heard? (Three Minute Read)

How is Your Voice Being Heard? (Three Minute Read)

We all have a voice.  We use it in many ways over a single day when we’re ordering coffee at a drive-thru, talking on the phone to a client, or chatting with the family at the dinner table.  The tone of our voices can vary as well, whether we’re adopting...
YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!  (Three Minute Read)

YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!! (Three Minute Read)

Most of us remember Jack Nicholson uttering this iconic line in “A Few Good Men.” In fact, it won him an Academy Award in 1993. Back then, the truth was an absolute. Now, not so much. If I’ve learned anything at all from watching cable news,...
The Importance of Compassion  (Three Minute Read)

The Importance of Compassion (Three Minute Read)

Now more than ever, I’m understanding the importance of compassion.Now more than ever, I’m recognizing those people who lack it.First, let’s get the dictionary definition out of the way.  It is  “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings...
Anger:  Good or Bad?  (Three Minute Read)

Anger: Good or Bad? (Three Minute Read)

Ever since Bruce Banner was accidently exposed to gamma rays, he turns into the Incredible Hulk when he gets angry.  And he’s not the only one.  There are a lot of angry people out there.  I know this because I deal with them almost every day in my mediation...
What’s Your Next Chapter?  (Three Minute Read)

What’s Your Next Chapter? (Three Minute Read)

This pandemic is forcing people to rethink what comes next.  My next chapter started years ago after my husband died and I needed to find a way to earn a living.  Maybe you’re simply tired of your job.  Regardless of the circumstances, considering the options...
Flaky People (Three Minute Read)

Flaky People (Three Minute Read)

Has anyone ever flaked out on you?  Do you have friends who say they’ll help out, be there, do something, and then they don’t? I call them “50:50 no-shows” and sometimes I think I’m being a bit too generous. It’s frustrating,...