by Nancy | May 13, 2020
After Week #1 of sheltering in place, I started looking for the good things about this awful situation. Channeling my dad once again, because he was the most positive person I’ve ever known, I began to appreciate things I’ve overlooked in the past, as...
by Nancy | May 6, 2020
Confession: I am not a perfectionist. “Good enough” and “okay for now” are sometimes the highest my bar gets set. On the other hand, I’m absolutely mortified if I find a typo on something I’ve already sent out. Go figure. I think...
by Nancy | Apr 29, 2020
Do you think the black cat is jealous of the grey cat in the box? Or do you think the black cat is envious? I’m not an expert in feline feelings, but I will tell you that in humans, both jealousy and envy can be intense emotions. We tend to confuse the two...
by Nancy | Apr 22, 2020
It’s so interesting to me to observe the entire spectrum of my friends’ attitudes toward this pandemic. From the virus-deniers (“it’s a hoax”), to the panic shoppers (“I’m gonna use it eventually”), to the hazmat suit...
by Nancy | Apr 15, 2020
You’re all going through many different kinds of challenges these days, not the least of which is spending 24/7 at home with your spouse and kids. These people are the ones you love the most in the world. They’re the ones you’d rescue from a...
by Nancy | Apr 8, 2020
Sometimes I think I could have been a decent actress because I can cry on demand. All I need to do is conjure up a memory about my husband or my parents, and the tears start to roll. Those memories are emotional triggers for me. Guns and shootings also trigger an...
by Nancy | Apr 1, 2020
I’ve been watching reality television since way before self-quarantine was a familiar term. Singing competitions, cooking competitions, house-flipping, design challenges, weight loss journeys, love and marriage journeys, pretty much everything except the...
by Nancy | Mar 25, 2020
I recently had a conversation with a dear friend, who pointed out to me that my attitude toward self-quarantine has progressed in much the same manner as one would deal with grief. What a keen observation! With complete transparency, I admit that I spent a relatively...
by Nancy | Mar 18, 2020
The essence of this article was originally posted a couple of years ago for an entirely different purpose. Now, in light of the pandemic occupying all of our thoughts, I think it’s become relevant once again. We’re all nervous and impatient these days,...
by Nancy | Mar 11, 2020
It should be against the law to steal someone else’s time. Wow, I didn’t realize how strongly I felt until I actually wrote the preceding sentence! Time matters a lot to me. For instance, I’m obsessively punctual and I have little patience for...
by Nancy | Mar 4, 2020
Being disappointed by a friend has nothing to do with an occasional last minute cancellation of plans, and it also has nothing to do with how to dump an old friend. This time, I’m digging deeper into the expectations we set for our friends. Like you, I’ve...
by Nancy | Feb 26, 2020
Have you ever heard someone say this? Do you silently toss labels around like “narcissist” or “self-absorbed?” If so, I guarantee you didn’t mean it as a compliment. According to Merriam-Webster, the term “self-absorbed”...