When Forgiving Doesn’t Happen (Three Minute Read)

When Forgiving Doesn’t Happen (Three Minute Read)

We’ve all heard the adage, “forgive and forget.” I’m pretty sure we’ve also forgiven and forgotten a time or two in our lives. And you may have read my prior forgiveness blog. Forgiving is important. It also can be irrelevant. Let’s...
Fixing Broken Trust (Three Minute Read)

Fixing Broken Trust (Three Minute Read)

Relationships require trust, 100%. You trust the babysitter who’s keeping your kids safe, and you trust the person repairing your car. You trust that your employees will take good care of your customers, and you trust the instructor who’s teaching your...
Can You Negotiate Staying Together?  (Three Minute Read)

Can You Negotiate Staying Together? (Three Minute Read)

When  people get married, it’s with the belief, the intention, and the hope that their marriage will last forever.  And yet stuff happens to cause some couples to abandon that belief, intention, and hope.  Others stay together because they’ve held onto the...
Having an Exit Strategy (Three Minute Read)

Having an Exit Strategy (Three Minute Read)

Whether you’re about to give notice to your employer or to your spouse, strategically planning your exit means sliding your emotions off to the side while you make a practical “to do” list.  This is neither the time nor the place to improvise. ...
I Like to Spread Good News (Three Minute Read)

I Like to Spread Good News (Three Minute Read)

I learned a long time ago to choose optimism, and anyone who knows me will confirm that my glass is always half-full.  (Thanks, Dad!)  Psychologists generally think that positive and negative emotions cannot occupy our minds at the same time.  Therefore, one tends to...
The Value of Your Value (Three Minute Read)

The Value of Your Value (Three Minute Read)

Just before the end of 2019, a client mentioned that her word for 2020 was “value,” and my brain immediately went to work.  What happened next was kind of confusing because I didn’t exactly know what “value” meant to me.  Did it mean...
Our Parents Aren’t Getting Any Younger (Three Minute Read)

Our Parents Aren’t Getting Any Younger (Three Minute Read)

As our population ages, we’re seeing older folks everywhere. Seniors are living longer and leading active lives. That is, until things start to change. I frequently talk with families about how roles have reversed when adult children find themselves becoming...
I Will Not Self-Sabotage (Three Minute Read)

I Will Not Self-Sabotage (Three Minute Read)

How about that for a New Year’s resolution? Whether knowingly or inadvertently, we humans sometimes have a knack for sabotaging ourselves. What do I mean by that? According to “Psychology Today,” it’s behavior that creates problems with our...
Life Is Good (Three Minute Read)

Life Is Good (Three Minute Read)

As 2019 draws to an end, I’m taking time this year to make my own personal list about why my LIFE IS GOOD.  I’ve chosen to do this instead of making New Year’s resolutions, first because everyone makes them and second, because I never keep them. ...
Making Amends (Three Minute Read)

Making Amends (Three Minute Read)

Both the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans used an olive branch as a symbol of peace.  The expression, “to extend an olive branch,” is often used as a metaphor for reconciliation.  And now as the new year approaches, I tend to think about...