How do you start or restart a pendulum? You give it a hearty push and it goes all the way to the left, and then all the way to the right, and so on, and so on, until it settles in the middle. I use this analogy frequently in my mediation practice, especially when I’m talking to divorcing couples. If my clients are parents, I sometimes ask how they want to introduce their kids to a new romantic partner. Inevitably, I get a look of fear from one spouse, who says “I’m never dating again,” while the other spouse is planning on auditioning for “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette.” I see that as a pendulum push.
Sometimes after a failed romance, our next relationship is with somebody completely opposite of his or her predecessor. (Okay, I confess!) Doing that 180 degree shift is is a pendulum push.
Same observation in other aspects of human behavior (or misbehavior). In politics, It’s the far left versus the far right, yet the majority of people land somewhere in between. I also see that as a pendulum push. Another example is the way some people are handling the pandemic. We’ve all heard of or know those who believe it’s a hoax and those who wear a hazmat suit their own homes. Another pendulum push.
How about the alcoholic who falls off the wagon and goes on a week-long bender? Or the yo-yo dieter? Or the guy who decides to take up running by training for a marathon? All pendulum pushers. I’m sure you can think of many other examples, whether from your own experience or from the lives of others.
The point is, regardless of the direction in which it’s pushed, and regardless of the speed, strength, or velocity, a pendulum is designed to wind up in the middle. Wouldn’t it be easier if we recognized this at the onset of a conflict? Having that advance knowledge, don’t you think we could simply get to the resolution faster?
What I’m describing is a compromise. And what I’m showing with my pendulum metaphor is that nearly every conflict, whether internal or external, can be resolved by compromise. If it’s an inner conflict, sometimes we can talk ourselves into the compromise. If it’s a conflict with someone else, if we understand that the pendulum eventually rests in the middle, then we can arrive at the solution faster by figuring out a reasonable compromise.
And if you consider compromise as a sign of weakness, what if you used another word instead? Negotiation, for example. When you negotiate the best deal possible on the purchase of a new car, are you weak? No. You’re likely to feel proud of your negotiating skills when, in fact, you’ve actually compromised. Both you and the car salesperson pushed the pendulum. And where did it land?
If you’re the type of person who likes to argue, go ahead and push that pendulum. I promise it’ll wind up in the middle.
Great analogies, Nancy! It’s all about communication. Keeping this “the pendulum always ends up in the middle” in mind, can save so much time and, most likely, negative communications!
Thank you, Shari! I find it confounding that we often have to go to the extremes before we wind up where we’re supposed to be. Human nature, I suppose.
Great article again. Maybe we have to push to the ends of the pendulum swing for the experience before settling in the middle.
That’s true in so many instances.
Another excellent read, Nancy. Perfect analogy, it really makes sense.
Thank you!
That sounds good and will work for many people but if you are dealing with people who are carrying lifelong baggage they will never be able to stop in the middle. These people look at compromise as giving in, failure or being taken advantage of even if they know they should compromise. It would add more baggage for them to carry.It’s like someone who has been cheated on, so all spouses are cheats. Or parents that have divorced and the one who left the relationship is always going to get the blame. In a perfect world……..
It’s too bad that some people think compromise is negative. That’s why I suggested calling it “negotiation” instead. Do you suppose some people actually like carrying their negative baggage forever? Is this possibly a topic for a future blog?