by Nancy | Mar 27, 2019
Did you know that there are three answers to any request? They are: Yes, No, and I’ll Think About It. Yet for some reason, we tend to dismiss the third option and instantaneously go for either the yes or the no. I am usually quick to say yes, and then after...
by Nancy | Mar 20, 2019
When my big brother was running for third grade class president against Ellen Freedlander, the vote was conducted by the heads-down, eyes-closed, raise-your-hand method. Afraid he’d be caught voting for himself, my brother cast his vote for Ellen and guess what?...
by Nancy | Mar 13, 2019
Do you have possession of the remote? What about the finances? The calendar? I believe that in most healthy relationships, the control winds up balanced — decided by aptitude or by enthusiasm. In my divorce mediation practice, it’s sometimes obvious...
by Nancy | Mar 6, 2019
Am I the only person who thinks competency can sometimes be a curse? There’s certainly a distinction between being capable and being amenable. Just because I know how to make a chocolate souffle doesn’t mean I’m willing to make one for your...
by Nancy | Feb 27, 2019
I recently posted an article devoted entirely to the use of the word “but.” Since that article was published, my colleagues, friends, relatives, and readers have steered me toward an ever-growing list of other words or expressions that cause angst,...
by Nancy | Feb 20, 2019
Last week was Valentine’s Day and I hope, at the end of the day, you weren’t disappointed. I know that some of us are more romantic than others, some of us are not currently in a love relationship, and some of us think Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark...
by Nancy | Feb 13, 2019
I’m one of those people who finds it difficult to ask for help. As an independent woman, I don’t want to be perceived as needy or weak, so I tend to either do it myself, pay someone to help me, or simply forget about it. Does this sound like you? There are...
by Nancy | Feb 6, 2019
Aha! Admit it, that title caught your attention. I probably should apologize in advance if you thought I was talking about anatomy. I’m actually going to talk about the word, not the body part. So, if you’re game to read more, I’d like you to think...
by Nancy | Jan 30, 2019
We’ve all been stuck at an impasse. Co-workers who refuse an additional responsibility, teenagers who won’t respect a curfew, spouses who “forget” to mention use of the debit card, are just a few typical examples. There are global examples of...
by Nancy | Jan 23, 2019
There are many difficult conversations, but probably none as tough as telling your spouse you want a divorce. If you’ve ever had to tell someone that the relationship is over, or if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of this talk, you know what I mean. ...
by Nancy | Jan 16, 2019
Statistics show that one in three Americans is either a step-child, a step-sibling, or a stepparent. That’s a lot of blended families! Those of a certain age can certainly remember The Brady Bunch, but let’s not forget that it was a fictional family. There...
by Nancy | Jan 9, 2019
Is it okay to simply ask “are you okay?” Maybe we need to distinguish between the physical okay and the emotional okay. Obviously, if your toddler takes a tumble and starts to cry, the first thing you’re going to ask is if he’s okay. (Unless...