Are You Enabling Your Adult Child?  (Three Minute Read)

Are You Enabling Your Adult Child? (Three Minute Read)

Psychologists define an enabler as “someone who allows poor choices and decisions to continue despite knowing that those choices can be harmful to the other person.” Could the psychologists be describing you? I know you think you’re simply being a...
It’s A Shame (Three Minute Read)

It’s A Shame (Three Minute Read)

My earliest memory of feeling shame was when I wet my pants at the library. I was four years old, and my mom left me in the children’s section (back when it was okay to do that).  I had to pee and I couldn’t find anyone to show me to the bathroom. The...
What Does Your Family Look Like?  (Three Minute Read)

What Does Your Family Look Like? (Three Minute Read)

Boy, oh boy, have I seen a lot of different types of families! One of the things I love the best about being a Mediator is that no two days are alike. And I’ve come to realize that no two families are alike. Traditionally, families were classified as either...
Are You Good With Names?  (Three Minute Read)

Are You Good With Names? (Three Minute Read)

My Dad was somewhat of a savant. The fact that he could be counted on to count everything always amazed me.  Just like Dustin Hoffman’s iconic “Rainman,” my Dad memorized statistics. What was more amazing was his ability to remember names. I wish I...
The Power of Choice (Three Minute Read)

The Power of Choice (Three Minute Read)

I had an epiphany the other day. Confession: I don’t get them often, but when I have one, I need to write about it.  When you read this, you may think that I’m preaching to the choir, or that my self-proclaimed flash of brilliancy is not very brilliant....
Never Say Never (Three Minute Read)

Never Say Never (Three Minute Read)

I once drove a Dodge station wagon with faux wood paneling. Enough said. Now that I’ve confessed to you, it’s your turn.  When you’re in an argument with your kid, do you find yourself making statements that begin with “You never . . .?” ...
My Daughter-in-Law is Rude! (Three Minute Read)

My Daughter-in-Law is Rude! (Three Minute Read)

Let me start by stating that not all daughters-in-law are rude, and not all mothers think nobody is good enough to marry their sons.  I happen to have a terrific relationship with my mother-in-law, and I know of many others who do as well. End of disclaimer. According...
Neighbors and Boundaries (Three Minute Read)

Neighbors and Boundaries (Three Minute Read)

The first house I ever bought was in a brand new development. Eager to meet the neighbors and fantasizing about borrowing a cup of sugar, I was shocked to learn that their main priority was to figure out what kind of fence we all wanted. Fences? What about the cup of...
May I Please Have Some Change?  (Three Minute Read)

May I Please Have Some Change? (Three Minute Read)

Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” I know for a fact that Mr. Darwin was not referring to me. I also know that our fear...
Going Into Business With a Friend?  (Three Minute Read)

Going Into Business With a Friend? (Three Minute Read)

I’ve started two businesses with friends.  One ended amicably.  The other?  Not so much.  If I knew then what I know now . . . famous last words, right? Now that I’m a Mediator and have conducted many business mediations, I’ve seen a lot of what...
You Need To Stop Saying This!  (Three Minute Read)

You Need To Stop Saying This! (Three Minute Read)

I’ve been wanting to dig deeper on this particular expression for awhile; long before I first heard Taylor Swift’s song, “You Need to Calm Down.”  Can you guess what it is? If you said anything resembling “you need to,” give...
Are Real Conversations Becoming Extinct?  (Three Minute Read)

Are Real Conversations Becoming Extinct? (Three Minute Read)

I am not a dinosaur. I love technology. It makes my life run more efficiently. I can send a text to tell my friend I’m running five minutes late, and I can confirm tomorrow’s appointments without having to make a call, wait for an answer, or be required to leave a...